In the case of a serious accident, the first 4 minutes are the most crucial in saving a life. This is why trained first aiders are vital in any organisation. Find out more about the key benefits of first aid training.

“It will never happen to me…”

Potential hazards are everywhere, even in the workplace. Every year hundreds of people are injured at their place of work. Accidents may arise from situations or equipment where you least expect it, so it is easy to become complacent and fall into the trap of thinking it will never happen to you. The truth is that medical emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time, so preparedness is key. Failure to do so could leave your employees at risk and your professional reputation damaged, as well as leading to a loss of productivity and even litigation.

Six Key Benefits of First Aid Training

Every employer has a duty and a legal responsibility to ensure that their first aid provision at work is adequate, up-to-date and appropriate.

Here are six key benefits of first aid training for your staff.

1. First Aid Training Can Save Lives

Arguably the most important benefit of undertaking first aid training is that it can save someone’s life. According to a British Red Cross Study, up to 59% of deaths are the result of an injury and may have been prevented if first aid had been administered immediately. First aid training gives your staff the confidence and ability to react immediately to an incident, injury or illness. A fast response can make a difference between life and death, particularly in incidences of choking, cardiac arrest, poisoning or anaphylactic shock.

2. First Aid Training Can Help Prevent the Situation from Becoming Worse

A trained first aider provides an essential role in keeping a casualty from deteriorating and helping to stabilise their condition before professional help can arrive.

3. First Aid Training Can Help Relieve Pain

Even non life-threatening events can cause immense pain. Someone trained in first aid will be able to provide immediate pain relief, such as administering medication from the first aid kit, to cooling a burn with cold water. A trained first aider should also be able to provide emotional support by remaining calm and composed; thus helping reduce anxiety in the casualty.

4. First Aid Training Helps Communication with Emergency Services

Being able to relay key information accurately to the emergency services is vital. It allows emergency services to give further advice and to decide what course of action is taken next.

5. First Aid Training Can Reduce Recovery Time

A fast response to an accident before the medical professionals arrive can not only save a life but can also reduce the recovery time of the patient. The quicker the employee recovers, the quicker they can get back to work.

6. First Aid Training Helps You Stay Legally Compliant

Every employer has a duty under the current Health and Safety legislation to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare of all concerned. This includes the provision of first aid in the workplace.

Which First Aid Course is Right for Me?

First aid training is given to ensure that employers and employees have the knowledge and practical skills necessary to help themselves or other colleagues in the event of an emergency. Your organisation’s assessment of first aid needs should help to establish which type of first aid training is right for you. The assessment will consider the type of work activity and whether is high-risk or low-risk. It will also take into account the size of the workforce and the premises.

  • The HSE recommends that for low-risk organisations with 25 to 50 employees, the minimum requirement is to have at least one person trained in EFAW (Emergency First Aid at Work).
  • For low-risk organisations with more than 50 employees, there should be one person trained in FAW (First Aid at Work) per every 100 staff members.

The requirements are understandably higher in higher risk environments.

Employers in the UK need to meet moral and legal obligations by providing first aid training to employees. Having trained and motivated employees is a benefit to your organization and may even be, literally, the difference between life and death.

Published On: February 19th, 2023