1 in 4 people will have a mental health problem at some point and employers have a legal responsibility to support their employees. One of the most effective ways to do this is to have colleagues trained to provide Mental Health First Aid.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis. With a growing number of people today suffering from mental health issues, having mental health first aiders in your workplace is critical.

Mental health disorders encompass a wide range of psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions that impact nearly half a billion individuals worldwide. Following the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of people seeking treatment for mental health illness is becoming a rising concern for millions of people globally.

1 in 4

People will have a mental health problem at some point

What Is a Mental Health First Aider?

A Mental Health First Aider is a worker who serves as the first point of contact for colleagues suffering from mental health issues. Although not educated to be a counsellor or psychotherapist, they can assist individuals struggling with emotional discomfort or mental health illness. They can also help develop a self-help action plan and signpost, where appropriate, to other support agencies.

So, a Mental Health First Aider is not a replacement for mental health care, but someone who can recognize early signs of mental illness, provide support, and suggest solutions. This makes them a vital link between someone who is experiencing poor mental health and the appropriate support available to them.

What Are The Responsibilities Of a Mental Health First Aider?

The role is one of support to anyone in the workplace who is experiencing mental ill health Or distress. Here are some of the Mental Health First Aider’s typical responsibilities:

  • Recognise mental illness’s early warning signs and symptoms.
  • Assist an employee who is experiencing symptoms of a mental health crisis.
  • Listen without passing judgment.
  • Initiate a dialogue with a co-worker who may be struggling with mental illness.
  • Assist in times of increased stress or crisis.
  • Provide mental health assistance in everyday situations at work.
  • Encourage a co-worker with mental illness to seek appropriate professional help.
  • Encourage self-help strategies for managing stress and mental health concerns.
  • Determine the likelihood of self-harm or suicide.

Why Is It Important to Look After People’s Mental Health?

Mental health issues can manifest themselves through subtle cognitive, emotional and behavioural symptoms.

Unrecognised and untreated, it can lead to low productivity, serious health issues, poor relationships, severe behavioural issues and even suicide.

The most common problems associated with mental illness include low mood, loneliness and isolation, self-esteem issues, relationship problems, school and work-related difficulties, and reduced life satisfaction, amongst other things. In its most severe forms, mental illness can lead to self-harm or harm to others, suicidal thoughts, and suicide.

There is a lot of evidence which proves there is a direct correlation between mental well-being and productivity at work, so as well as providing support for someone who needs it, being a mental health first aider is also hugely beneficial to your business.

What Are The First Signs of Mental Illness?

Some of the most common first signs of mental illness include a reduced capacity to manage day-to-day stress at work and in life. In addition, a person with mental health concerns may experience excessive fear and worry, lasting feelings of sadness and hopelessness, and sudden mood changes.

People suffering from a mental health illness may have a low tolerance for frustration, strong sentiments of impatience and anger, feel exhausted, a loss of humour, or difficulty concentrating at work. You might spot these signs in one of your colleagues. If you do, you should recognise them as a possible indication of mental ill-health.

A Mental Health First Aider can identify the early signs of distress and offer non-judgmental listening and assistance in seeking further help from a medical professional.

What Are The Advantages Of Having Mental Health First Aiders In My Workplace?

Work consumes a large portion of our lives; we spend one-third of our lives working. In addition, millions of people work long hours in highly stressful or even toxic work environments. Because work can be a source of stress and burnout, having Mental Health First Aiders at work is essential.

Organisations and businesses can prove their concern for their employees’ mental health and wellbeing by expressing a willingness to introduce mental health first aiders to their teams. Showing willingness and commitment to supporting staff is a great way to improve staff morale.

If you’re not MHFA trained, you may miss the one opportunity to make a difference.

How To Become a Mental Health First Aider

To qualify, you need to take a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Course. The course can help you understand mental health and why looking after it is essential. During the MHFA course, you will learn to recognize the signs of emotional distress, mental illness, and common triggers.

Recognising that emotional distress is just as incapacitating as physical illness can lower the stigma attached to mental health, help individuals better manage work-related stress and increase treatment prospects for a more extensive range of people.

In addition, mental health first aid training teaches trainees how to confidently administer first aid care, learn practical skills and tools to support psychological well-being, and build a healthy and supportive work atmosphere.

Finally, bringing Mental Health First Aider training into the workplace allows people to talk about their mental health issues more openly, encouraging acceptance and eliminating or reducing mental illness stigma.

Employees who are satisfied and mentally healthy are more productive, committed, and eager to contribute to common goals. It is just what we want as an employer or business owner. A healthy and happy working atmosphere is one of the best ways to improve resilience, enhance individual wellbeing, increase retention at work and improve productivity.

If you’ve found this article useful, we also suggest reading our blogs on looking after your mental health when you are home working, stress in the workplace and managing workplace stress in your team.

Published On: May 27th, 2022